Friday, June 17, 2011

Kayaking trip

Dateline: Bernie: June 15, 2011
Note: To follow our Olympic Park adventure from beginning to end, choose Plans are made from the index at right.

The plan was to get up (Chaz was up with the Sun) early and go kayaking (after some convincing I decided to go along) up to the end of the lake and up the creek (yes, I did say up the creek) as far as we could go.

It was a beautiful, peaceful trip.

An Eagle's nest high in the tree.

Around each bend was some new sight.

Sneaking under fallen trees.

At one point we had to get out of the Kayaks and squeeze them through a bottleneck of fallen trees.

Time for a quick one.

Pass it on.

Then the end of open water.

On the trip back I found a portage route and we hauled the kayaks out of the water and carried them back around that bottleneck.

Watch your step everyone!

In I slipped, up to my (the camera inside a ziplock bag in the inside pocket of my jacket) chest!

I deserve a warm up for sure now.

It was a very wet and cold trip back.

To the cabin, a hot shower and warm fire in the woodstove.

"And there shall be snacks."

Mike's Hot Pepper Jelly from Pike Place cooked with Brie in puff pastry.

NEXT: An afternoon hike (or Joey sees Bear) [READ]

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